
Overcoming Calf Health Issues

Overcoming Calf Health Issues

An unhealthy calf can be a strain on both beef and dairy farming, but many calf health issues can be overcome if they are recognized early and properly treated. By staying alert to your animals and providing them with exceptional care, you can easily raise healthy, productive calves. Diseases and Health Issues Affecting Calves There are many different diseases and health problems that can appear in calves. Depending on the climate, environmental cleanliness, herd size, available nutrition, and other factors, calves might be affected with… Bovine respiratory disease, pneumonia, and other lung disorders Septicemia Scours, digestive difficulties, and diarrhea Dehydration...

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Spring Bird Feeding Tips

Spring Bird Feeding Tips

Spring is an amazing birding season and great for feeding birds. In spring, not only are year-round resident birds eager to visit feeders as winter food supplies run low, but returning migrants need reliable food sources as they head north to their breeding grounds, and well-stocked bird feeders are a popular choice. Birds eat many things, from seeds and grain to insects, fruit and nectar, but in early spring all these food sources are scarce and there is fierce competition for available food. Backyard birders can provide more food and help all birds enjoy a nutritious, healthy diet by… Cleaning...

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Tips On Raising Poultry

Tips On Raising Poultry

Raising chickens on your estate or even in your backyard is a very fulfilling activity that requires dedicated time and practice. No matter how large of an operation you’re running, there are many important tips on raising poultry that every beginner must be aware of. Once everything is up and running smoothly, you may be surprised how little maintenance is necessary, but this, of course, is the product of proper planning and preparation. Begin by choosing a coop location on your property. Chickens do not need copious space to thrive, but it’s best to reserve at least a 6 ft...

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The Importance of Extra Hay During Winter Months

The Importance of Extra Hay During Winter Months

It is true that during the winter months riding your horse can become a scarce occasion.  This means that your horse’s diet must also change.  Since the horse is not as active during these cold months, it requires fewer calories.  It was once believed that feeding your horse more corn during these inactive months is better for keeping the horse warm, but now science has discovered hay is better at converting calories into heat and also promotes good gastrointestinal health as well as helps to preserve the horse’s weight.  The horse’s diet should be at least 50% if not all...

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Holiday Food Dangers for Dogs and Cats

Holiday Food Dangers for Dogs and Cats

We look forward to the deliciousness of the holiday season for many reasons – special meals and drinks, seasonal treats, feasts with friends and family, and goodies galore all make the holidays a tasty time of year. But the same holiday foods we love to celebrate with are no celebration at all for dogs and cats, and can even be dangerous to our pets in many unexpected ways. By understanding the top holiday food dangers for dogs and cats, pet owners can celebrate safely with their furry companions. Top 8 Unexpected Holiday Food Dangers for Pets There are many different...

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